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  • Writer's pictureAriela Bankier

Visiting Siena with Kids!

While Florence is, admittedly, the queen of ‪Tuscany‬, ‎Siena‬ and its surroundings actually offer families several fun and exciting activities, too.

Stunning architecture, a world-famous central piazza, one of the most beautiful duomos in Italy, tasty pizza, delicious ice cream and beautiful medieval villages just 15 minutes from the city make this a destination that families visiting Tuscany should definitely consider.

Siena is not only one of the most famous Hill towns in Tuscany, it is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and as such it boasts several attractions for art and history lovers, as well as urban explorers. This unique town is also known for its Palio, the famous horse race that takes place twice a year in the main piazza, and draws a crowd of hundreds of thousands of people.

However, visiting Siena as a family does require some planning ahead, in order to enjoy this magical hill town without having the kids completely loose their patience... Normally, you'd need a local tour operator to provide you with all the best inside info, but with our guide-book, Florence & Tuscany with Kids 2015, no such expensive tour operator is necessary :)

Consult the chapter dedicated to Siena and its surrounding in our travel guide, and find out everything you need to know to enjoy a fantastic visit in the city.

We offer specific and very detailed family-friendly itineraries in our travel guide, as well as insider-tips and answers to the most important questions:

How to visit the duomo with Kids (and save time and money)?

Which family-friendly restaurants offer the best dining experience?

Where can you find the best parks and playgrounds in Siena, where young children can finally let off some steam, and run around freely?

What fun medieval villages hide just 15 minutes from the city, and offer families the perfect afternnon activities?

What are the best family-friendly hotels in the area?

How to get tickets to the Palio, and which other fun festivals and carnivals shouldn't be missed when you visit Siena?

And what are the best parks, horseback rides and hikes in and around Siena?

Naturally, we havven't forgotten about our adult readers! We have included detailed explanations about Siena's art, history and traditions, to help you make the most of your visit to this beautiful town.

Our travel guide, Florence & Tuscany with Kids 2015 (now on sale on Amazon!).

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